The Toolbox Hosts 2nd Pitch Panel

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The Toolbox hosted its second pitch panel, which included six different presentations from local entrepreneurs at our location at the McKinstry Innovation Center. Each inventor was given five minutes to present their startup concept and demonstrate their prototype, followed by a question and answer segment. We had the opportunity to hear from the creators of the following companies:

1)      Xcraft, A phone drone company.

2)      Modpod, A container-based housing company.

3)      Sonic Decanter, A device that makes wine taste better.

4)      CDA Sports, A durable inflatable surfboard.

5)      HyperSciences, A new revolutionary piece of drilling equipment.

6)      Moto-Trax, A motorcycle-snowmobile hybrid. 

Although these inventions are in various stages of development, it was great seeing some of the emerging entrepreneurs in our community pitch their concepts and prototypes. It’s amazing to see all of innovation happening right here in Spokane. The Toolbox loves being part of the innovation hub that is the University District. Thank you to everyone who was able to attend this event and we are looking forward to our next pitch panel in the near future.