Spokane Cultural Trail concept

Monday, July 27, 2020

The Spokane Cultural Trail is a proposed connection (spearheaded by Downtown Spokane Partnership and Spokane Regional Health District) between Browne's Addition and the University District. The concept aims to create a cultural and active experience for pedestrians in the downtown by shaping an existing urban corridor into a sought-after destination. The trail will encourage residents, downtown employees and visitors to walk along the trail, experiencing urban art, colorful signage, pop-up performances and historic storytelling. For more information, see this page as well as this recent article by Shawn Vestal in The Spokesman-Review.



The Spokane Cultural Trail is a new, intuitive connection between the Browne’s Addition at its west terminus and the University District (and more) at its east end. At its heart, the Spokane Cultural Trail Project (SCT) is about reclaiming existing space and infusing it with new life using branding and navigation cues (wayfinding) and adding permanent and curated cultural content that enriches the corridor. The strength of the trail is that most of its components are already there, connecting streetscapes, great architecture, increasingly vibrant businesses and the rich culture and heritage that shape Spokane. The great opportunity is to imbed this place in people’s psyches by shaping the existing corridor into a newly recognized, immediately identifiable space that is intuitive to navigate and a sought-after connection and destination for residents and visitors. The project can be a catalyst for downtown Spokane, both encouraging vibrant commerce along its route while simultaneously encouraging people to increasingly choose walking as their means to move through the city, fostering community culture and health.